Well it took
Thanks for all your love and friendship and look forward to the next one in 2012. Its ladies like you all that inspire me to do what I do and i had such a blast this week and can’t wait to do it all over again.
I can’t let this moment go by without acknowledging Diane and Kymm for completing over 50 layouts each for the week. They even had to post a box of them home each in Hobart to avoid excess luggage. And no they didn’t stay in the room 24/7 - they got out and about too.
Thank you to so many of you who returned on the second scrapbook cruise and look forward to you all returned next year (Jan) for the third – so stay tuned for more details.
To Yvonne who continue the tradition and called me Mrs Boss though i have to think she was the one who was doing a lot of the organising – thank you Yvonne for all the help you gave me and your love and friendship too.
For those of you wondering what we got up too here are the classes the lovely ladies completed.

These four layouts were the first class – instructions downloadable HERE.
I think i freaked out a few of the new scrappers with four layouts in the class but over the course of the day they did complete them all and they did such lovely work.
This was class two done with Kaisercraft’s Seaside papers – as you can see for the more advance scrapbookers there was plenty of scope to distress, add a little ink and extra flowers. For those who had boy photos they adapted the layout beautifully by using the surfboards and beach huts fromt he range.
Instructions for this double page layout can be downloaded HERE
We had a mini class made from English Rose and would love any of you lovely ladies to email me the cards we made as i gave mine to a crew member of the ship that was admiring them – silly me and didn’t take a pic of them. Please email me pics and i can post up here.
The final main class was sponsored by American Crafts (thanks Mike) where the girls received so many products that it probably put them over the weight limits for their trips home – Im sorry girls but Im sure you didn’t mind that much – i hope
Instructions for this layout can be downloaded HERE. Cards and mini book were created from the leftovers. Thanks girls too for providing all your details in the little book at the end – it is a lovely memento for me of the trip and i will definitely stay in touch.
snapshots of the week away
It was really lovely not only to have the opportunity to teach again on the beautiful Rhapsody of the Seas Cruise ship but take my eldest daughter Jess with me. When you have kids so close together you don’t always get the opportunity to spend time alone with them so this was a wonderful time together. We had a little bit of time the day before we left and on the day we came back before flying home so we got to see a little around Sydney too.Until next time – Rhapsody of the Seas.
Stay tuned for details of the 3rd trip in 2012. Come and join in the fun.
Hey Melissa, again a HUGE thanks for the workshops on the cruise - they and you were awesome! It was super to see your pics and I am hanging out to show off our LOs when Australia POst delivers them...lol
thanks for everything while on the cruise.
you are a blast !!!!
c you next time .
Thanks so much Melissa and Lorelle. I had a wonderful time and will be back - with all the family next time! Cheers, Rose
Great cruise, Melissa and Lorelle. Bring on the next one in 2012!!!!!
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