Friday, 10 February 2012

Playing with Paint

Can you believe it's the end of the week already and the weekend is upon us.  
Well i am well and truly ready for it.  
What a night - i had gotten myself all worked up for an exam tonight 
to get my Surf Bronze and now that i am home 
Im wondering why i was really worried as it wasn't really as hard as i thought, 
though Im truly hoping i never really have to actually save someone 
but hopefully if i do i will remember everything i have learnt.  
So if you decided to drown down here, 
be careful i may just be on patrol - hehehe.

Anyways i thought i would share these canvases with you.  
Time has gotten away from me lately and i realised today whn i started a new one 
that i haven't shown you these.  
I've been dabbling a little with some techniques 
i learnt earlier from a She Art course and ended up with these.  
I have this idea of putting them up on a wall in a grid 
- but now i need another 6.  
But instead of making a start on those today 
i started a giant canvas instead (as you do).... 
- well you will have to wait to see that one 
as i have no idea how it will end up 
as i don't really have any plans for it 
- it will just evolve over time...

No one can hold you back - Spread your wings and Fly
Find out who you are and do it on purpose

Be the change you want to see in the World.
We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.

1 comment:

Adriana B said...

Wow I just love the gorgeous canvas, so bright and colourful, thanks for sharing :)