Now that my feet are back on aussie soil and no immediate plans on going anywhere i thought i might share with you a few of things i have done...past tense now. You may have already seen some of these if you get the Kaiser workshop or read the blog but as i have a few months to catch up on i will share June July and August over the coming week and then some new things i have been doing.
Kaisercraft released Le Chateau in June but its still a relative new range and for myself along with the new flourishes because of its versatility will always be one of my faves. I had been holding onto these photos I took when i visited Kalk Bay, South Africa last year and not really knowing what to use to scrap them with. When this range was released i immediately grabbed them.

The first one is the layout i taught in Brisbane in June and then in July in New Zealand at Senz, amongst some other projects which i will share later. Thank you to all the lovely ladies who were in these classes, i have had some lovely responses and it was great to meet you all and catch up with others
LIFE IS MADE UP OF THE CHOICES WE MAKE... Why not make it a full of all the things we dream of.....
This double layout below i taught at SIA, an extended version of the above techniques. You can download instructions for this one HERE.

The beauty of being a late in posting what i did with this is range is that since I have had a chance to see what some of the "past" DT's did with this range too and Im going to share it with you. You may have already seen some of these on the Kaiser blog, sorry if you have, but they are worth the second look .
At the office we have so many deadlines to work to and don't always get to play as much as we would like with all the new ranges, we do a layout or two and then off to work on another new range so I love keeping up to date with the blog (as much as I can anyway) and it never ceases to amaze me what the DT's come up with - what they do with the ranges is amazing, all so different and often Al and I will say - why didn't we think of that...... Keep up the good work girls, you do such an awesome job and i really look forward to what the new Design Team come up with over the next twelve months.

The colours in this range are so versatile and can be used for so many differnt types of photos and themes.
and Nancy, this clock is gorgeous. Its beautiful and can imagine it would look great on the wall in your house.
Renee again has come up with a gorgeous use for the accordian frames. This has made me want to go and make one myself.

Renee - another stunning layout, with loads of detail.

Love the way Elizna Parsons has cut out the bird cages from one of the other pages and used them on this layout. I also love the way she has used the die cut page too.

I'll be back again shortly to share some of my projects done in paper released in July.
Thanks for looking
Yay! All lovely projects and definitely a beautiful range. You've made me want to go and scrap (instead of tidying the scraps!). Your Dream Layout was certainly a hit here in NZ. Thanks!
Beautiful layouts Melissa :) i especially love the double. And the metalic finish on the chippies is fabulous. Can i ask, what colour glimmermist you used on them?. I really want to give it a go :)
Hi Mel :) I love these layouts. this range is gorgeouss. I especially love the double layout you did. Gorgeous. I alos love the metal finish you did on the chippies. Very clever. Can I ask, what colour glimmermist you used to finish them. I so need to lift this idea :)
LOL, I posted twice . wooops !!!! and a third time now, Im not atalking you, I promise :) ... Just wanted to thankyou for the tips on that fabulous metalic finish... I cant wait to give it a go.. thanks again
Everything perfect!!!
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